I just watched the movie The Insider.
Summary from IMDB:
Based on a true story about a CBS 60 Minutes-episode in 1994 on malpractices in the tobacco industry, that was not aired because CBS parent company Westinghouse objected. Pacino plays the 60 Minutes Producer.
A long part of the movie is about the question whether an interview gets broadcasted, or not (assuming it would have a deep impact on the US/world).
I just try to imagine how the story would develop today:
- Somebody had an important insider knowledge of something with major public interest.
- This somebody wanted to go into public with it.
- –> Then why wouldn’t he just upload it to Google Video or Youtube? Or blog about it?
Probably nobody would notice since everybody is too busy to watch kids singing karaoke in front their webcam, who knows. But maybe not. The „Monica Lewinsky case“ got first published in the web (bad example, I know).
Another thing was strange in that movie: the personal communication system. The journalist was constantly on public(!) phones, although he owned a mobile phone already. Apart from phones he used fax. The only time an e-mail was on the screen, it was used to send a death threat. Weird.
UPDATE: The same evening I stumble upon this story: YouTube Whislte Blowing. Spooky. The word spreads still through mainstream media. And the washington post did not include the link to the video. Can anybody find it?