Aren’t they sweet?

Help the three lost members [of the tiny people] reunite with the rest of their group by guiding them through three different environements and you will be rewarded.

Quest For The Rest is such a nice online game, if you like the tactic- / think-game genre.

The game promotes the music the album „Together We’re Heavy“ from Polyphonic Spree, which you can hear while playing.

You can download a video and two mp3-songs if you manage to finish all three levels of the game. that’s the prize! 😉


BlogExplosion’s Multi-Level-Marketing

Does multi level marketing (MLM) really work? Let’s try it:

BlogExplosion promises to increase traffic to your website. How does it work? You sign up and get credit for surfing the „member blogs“. Then you can exchange your credit with page impressions.

The MLM here is the „Referral“ section. If you recommend BlogExplosion to other people, you will earn extra credits depending on how much they use it. Mike says it works for him. But I guess you need quite some traffic already.

If you want to try it out: Sign up using my referer-Link. 😉