kostenloses Live8-Konzert mit 21 Bands in Berlin

Worum geht es:

Every single day, 30,000 children die, needlessly, of extreme poverty.

On July 6th, we finally have the opportunity to stop that shameful statistic.

8 world leaders, gathered in Scotland for the G8 summit, will be presented with a workable plan to double aid, drop the debt and make the trade laws fair. If these 8 men agree, then we will become the generation that made poverty history.

But they’ll only do it if enough people tell them to.

That’s why we’re staging Live 8. 10 concerts, 100 artists, a million spectators, 2 billion viewers, and 1 message… To get those 8 men, in that 1 room, to stop 30,000 children dying every single day of extreme poverty.

We don’t want your money – we want you!

Bands, die beim Live 8 in Berlin auftreten:

Samstag, 2. Juli 2005 14-20 Uhr Berlin Siegessäule

Website: Live 8

MIT Weblog Survey

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Germany is a developing country concerning blogs. If you write a blog, take part in this MIT Weblog Survey (takes approx. 15 minutes). I’m really curious about the results.

(Damn, I sweared to myself never to blog about blogging! And now the MIT got me with that stupid „I am the Bell Curve“-button.)

reboot 7.0 – Wäre gerne dort gewesen

Stellvertretend für die vielen Spuren, die die Konferenz „reboot 7.0“ in Kopenhagen im Netz hinterlassen hat verlinke ich Matthias Müller-Proves trip report.

Bei der „reboot 8.0“ will ich dabei sein!

Get a notice of reboot8 in June 2006. Send an email to reboot8@gmail.com and we’ll alert you

(via website-usability Yahoogroup)

Google Maps Berlin

Google Maps zeigt jetzt auch Satellitenfotos von Berlin.

Hier z.B. eine Luftaufnahme aus Kreuzberg. In der Mitte wohne ich, oben rechts sieht man das Sommerbad Kreuzberg (Prinzenbad) und den U-Bahnhof Prinzenstraße.

Offenbar gibt es aber noch kein Kartenmaterial für Deutschland.

Leider darf man die Aufnahmen des Satelliten nicht weiterverwenden, daher hier auch nur der Link.

(Danke an Bastian für den Tipp)

Mobile Usability

A fellow student asked in our mailing list for information about mobile usability. Thankfully he sent the links he received back to the list (see above).

This is how it should work. 🙂

No SubEthaEdit for Windows – high expectations for clone MoonEdit

It seems there won’t be a windows version of SubEthaEdit, the revolutionary collaborative text editor where every user has his own cursor while working together.

coding monkeys say:

„A windows version of SubEthaEdit would be a 99.9% rewrite.“

So I hope Tom Dobrowolski will go on developing MoonEdit – it needs to become more user friendly (especially for the not-so-experienced users).

I wrote a longer article about SubEthaEdit alternatives a few days ago.